Cheap Could Be Couture?

We all scrounge up our clothing to donate year after year – either it doesn’t fit or it just doesn’t blend with your new post-college professional life (ahem!) but for some reason scouring the goodwill racks has been often looked down upon. Delightful treasures for cheap prices have been mistakenly overlooked by fashionistas everywhere.

Goodwill is dedicated to the employment of people who are disadvantaged or disabled, so when thousands of pounds of clothing are discarded wastefully it is a painful disservice to the project, the people and the planet.

During my daily dose of Have Fun*Do Good I came across the first of the great strides that Goodwill is making in revamping their image to the mass market. Goodwill has a new fashion blog and the blogger, Em Hall reveals her tips and tricks in accessories and dresses but at the same time she introduces fashionistas to the vintage finds that are in plenty at Goodwill retail locations or its Ebay site.

And courtesy of PSFK , I stumbled across another “good” find. Goodwill is teaming up with designer, Nick Graham, to launch a fashion line, William Good, which reuses and reinvents the clothing you’re tossing into fabulous pieces that can grow into a brand that according to Graham will “help the environment, create employment, and generate profit.”

This year when you lug your box of “too-big” jeans, you may just want to peek into the store for someone else’s “that color doesn’t work on me anymore” sweaters.


Filed under Environment, Fashion, Social Causes, Social Media

3 responses to “Cheap Could Be Couture?

  1. So true. A lot of people have this thing about getting clothes from Goodwill. However, find a good consignment shop and the news spreads like wildfire.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Cart

    Funny enough, I bought $22.50 worth of clothes at The Salvation Army store on Tuesday. However, I have no problem committing a fashion faux pas because, as you well know, I am certainly no fashionista. In fact, I have impressively (depressingly?) dressed out of style for the last 22 years and counting (e.g. the 1954 J Crew mock turtleneck sweater of last nite.) So, whether my Salvy bleach-stained jeans are somehow chic or still painfully drab, I will continue to shell out a little dough for those cheap old threads that simply “get the job done.” I don’t know … I guess I am more or less clueless when it comes to fashion. But hey, you know, maybe it’s just not my cuppa tea …

    Liking the blog though Neh, good stuff.

  3. With the 70s and 80s back in style, I just loving vintage clothing from the thrift shops. You can find designers like Chanel and Armani for cheap there. Ebay is great too!

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